Salt Spring Island Farm and Business Response & Recovery Task Force.

Task Force Forms to Provide Resilient Local Planning to COVID-19.

See the plan here:

To further support the Salt Spring community during COVID-19 a newly formed coordination team, the Business and Farm Response & Recovery Task Force, has come together representing key farm and business stakeholders. Its goal is to ensure island-wide coordination and address the significant current and anticipated impacts to Salt Spring Island as a result of COVID-19. Island residents require coordinated economic and community services support to respond to the unique local economic consequences of this crisis.

Laura Patrick, Task Force Chair, and SSI Trustee, says the farm and business response action plan is underway, “Planning for recovery now, by collaborating, coordinating and instituting protective measures, will ensure that we are able to sustain and support our community through this crisis.” Anne Macey, co-facilitating work on the Agriculture Response Plan as part of this overall initiative, adds,“ The farm and food response plan is the first component of this overall economic recovery initiative. Our immediate goal is to reduce virus transmission risk while increasing the production and availability of local food, and to help ensure food supplies are available to under-served and vulnerable groups.”

Planning will be multifaceted and provide effective communication to the farm and business community while efforts to coordinate a response tied in to overall island economic response and recovery planning is implemented.

Sign up for more info here.