Erinanne Harper

Gardening with Native Plants

Lots of info on this Habitat Acquisition Trust page: Do you want attractive, easy to maintain, drought tolerant gardens that attract birds and butterflies? The best plant choices for…
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CRD Native Plants info

What Are Native Plants? A native plant thrives naturally in a region, ecosystem or habitat without human introduction. Native plants are vital components of healthy and resilient ecosystems. They provide…
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Electric Vehicles Group Website

Lots of great info here on the EV Group’s own website:
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Celebrating the Salish Sea

By Anne Parkinson, Published in The Driftwood, June 2, 2021 “…in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth.” Rachel Carson How…
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From Ocean Consumption to Ocean Stewardship

By Karlis Hawkins  Published in the SS Exchange – June 17, 2021 To see the waters surrounding the Gulf Islands simply as ‘the perfect background for a selfie’, is to miss the secrets…
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Regenerative Forest Management Should Be Goal

Published in the Driftwood, Jun 15, 2021 BY ANDREA PALFRAMAN The old-growth conifers of B.C. are the botanical equivalent of iconic animals like the Bengal tiger, or closer to home,…
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A new independent report commissioned by Sierra Club BC looks at the relationship between forest management and severe climate impacts expected across B.C. It shows that governments can mitigate climate-related disasters…
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Let’s Get Drastic with Our Plastic!

Eco-singer Remy Rodden—a bilingual, rich-voiced teacher and biologist – is committed to helping children learn about nature. He’s a clever songwriter, deeply concerned about the environment, and his wholly entertaining…
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Surrey Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy (CFAS) Summary

To build community resilience to sea level rise and coastal flooding, Surrey, BC developed the Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy (CFAS). Learn more about the journey and outcomes.
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Collaborative Forestry Solutions to Climate Change – Video

We believe forests are economic engines & job creators, fire suppressors and biodiversity enhancers, freshwater harvesters and food suppliers, as well as energy producers! A special Climate Action Network presentation…
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