What’s Happening to our Forests and Trees? Video

(start watching at 45 secs)

On June 30th, 2021, the Salt Spring Island Conservancy and Transition Salt Spring were thrilled to host two of British Columbia’s top scientific experts on trees, forest ecology, and the effects of climate change. They presented Salt Spring Island’s current condition and future forecast for our forests and trees.

Dr. Andy MacKinnon and Dr. Richard Hebda are widely recognized authorities and popular science communicators who frequently speak to media, public audiences, and University extension courses.

Andy is a trained mycologist and is co-author of six popular and invaluable guidebooks to BC plants, including the infamous book ‘Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast.’

Richard, a recently-retired Curator of Botany and Earth History at the Royal BC Museum, is co-author of over 130 scientific papers and over 250 popular articles.

David Denning, our host, is a Salt Spring-based science educator, naturalist, and climate activist.