The Buzz on BC Bumble Bees: a Webinar with Syd Cannings

The Buzz on BC Bumble Bees

A Webinar with Syd Cannings

Join us by Zoom on Wednesday, March 16 at 7:00 pm for a fascinating illustrated talk about local bumble bees presented by one of Canada’s best-known biologists and nature writers, Syd Cannings. This free virtual presentation – The Buzz in BC Bumble Bees – is co-sponsored by Nature Salt Spring and the Salt Spring Island Conservancy. 

Anyone who loves nature or food will want to tune in. Syd will summarize the amazing biology of bumble bees and introduce us to six common Salt Spring bees. At least one quarter of all North American bumble bee species are facing some risk of extinction, and Syd will explain why; how bumble bee extinction would affect us; and what we can do to help them – essential knowledge for all nature lovers and gardeners!

Syd Cannings is a Species at Risk Biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Service in Whitehorse, Yukon, where he works on everything from bumble bees to bears. He also serves on the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). He previously served as curator of the insect collection at the University of British Columbia, and Program Zoologist at the B.C. Conservation Data Centre.

Syd is the co-author of highly-popular natural history books: British Columbia: A Natural History; The New B.C. Roadside Naturalist; and Geology of British Columbia: A Journey Through Time.

Syd will be introduced by Claudia Copley, Entomology Collections Manager at the Royal BC Museum and Field Trip Coordinator for the Victoria Natural History Society.

Register for this free March 16, 7:00 pm virtual (Zoom) presentation by emailing Debra Cobon at