Plastic Free Salt Spring

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Our mission is to work towards the elimination of as much single use plastic as possible and to try to ensure that the rest, along with other plastics, are recycled. Visit our website to learn more and join us!

We are looking for additional members who care about the proliferation of plastics and can donate some time and energy towards solving this crisis.

If interested, please contact us.

Our goals




Research: alternatives to plastic and related life cycle analysis; plastic impacts; recycling; and other relevant subjects



Education: via articles, online and in the media; presentations; and films like Blue Planet II and Ocean Plastic




Outreach: to stores, shops, restaurants, etc, to reduce their use of single-use plastic and, hopefully, work with them to achieve positive results; and possibly reach out beyond Salt Spring to have a larger impact

"We don't need a handful of people doing zero-waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly." — Anne Marie Bonneau, Eco Warrior Princess