Relatives of the Deep

Future Ecologies has now released episode 6 Relatives of the Deep of our Scales of Change series on climate action, which features The ṮEṮÁĆES Climate Action Project.

Future Ecologies site:

More info:
Chapter 6: Relatives of the Deep
 This week on Scales of Change: In our sixth genus, we dive deep into the Dragons of Sunk Cost – the investments that work against our climate interests.
Some of these may simply be financial, but they may also be emotional: our goals and aspirations, our patterns of behaviour, and our attachments to the places around us.In this episode, we focus our attention on Place Attachment, as we tag along with the ṮEṮÁĆES Climate Action Project: a W̱SÁNEĆ-led eco-cultural revitalization project. Listen to Chapter 6 now
 or subscribe to Scales of Change on your podcast app of choice

In case you missed it:
We started Scales of Change with an introduction – a kind of how-to manual for the rest of the series. In it, we get to know the discoverer of the dragons, Dr. Robert Gifford, as we develop our own theory of change.

What are the Dragons of Climate Inaction? Where do they come from? And why, especially now, are they so important? Listen to the Introduction now and find out.

Then, catch:
Chapter 1: Hope Punk
and Chapter 2: Technosalvation
and Chapter 3: Writing on the Wall
and Chapter 4: Driving Decisions
and Chapter 5: Force Majeure