The newly formed Ecocological Research Network (ERN) is working on projects such as public presentations to Islands Trust and Gulf Island community members as well as relevant research, educational materials, and advisory support to government and/or other communities or organizations to support recommendations in the CAP 2.0.
Some activities include:
- Producing educational materials, website interactive resources and tools, video information, and resources on role of forests in fire risk reduction (with Local Trust).
- Infographics for Climate Action Plan 2.0 collaborative development and design support.
- Forest-fire-water: conservation planning research work, and supporting policy and land planning by the Local Trust Coastal Douglas fir and Associated Ecosystems.
- Review and contribute to LTC Coastal Douglas fir Development Permit Area discussions. Working with regional experts to explore potential policy and regulatory tools and integrate forest-fire-water objectives.
- Ongoing LiDAR data processing for conservation prioritization in Salish Sea. Regional conservation prioritization mapping work to support Island Trust Conservancy and Island Trust Council.
- Marine Regenerative Farming Feasibility study: supported through federal and VanCity support to conduct a feasibility study of potential marine farming projects for SSI (with potential for other islands). The priority for this work is reconciliation and regenerative food production that respects and supports cultural and traditional values in the Salish Sea.
- Advisor on the development and implementation of work for a Climate Action Plan for Cortes Island.